

The 2025 Seeger’s Sandbar at WSVC SPRING LEAGUE will be held at White Sands Volleyball Courts, located at 1001 N Al Davis Rd, Elmwood, LA 70123.

The League will begin with a 1-day clinic on Thursday, March 13th. Clinics will start at 6:30 pm. The clinics will be followed by Hot Shots on Friday, March 14th. Registration for Hot Shots will open at 6:30 pm and play will begin at 7:00 pm.

The 2025 Spring League scoring season will be 8 weeks long, with first matches the week of Monday, March 17th, and playoffs being the final/8th week. Matches will be played at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, and 9:30 pm. 

League schedules will be posted on Facebook, Instagram, and online before the first week of play.



  • We will be taking off of leagues April 22nd-April 28th for the Emerald Coast Volleyball Tournament (FUDS) in Fort Walton, FL.
  • All League Fees MUST be paid by the 3rd week of leagues, OR YOUR TEAM WILL FORFEIT MATCHES UNTIL IT IS PAID FOR.
  • We will try our best to accommodate all teams (and preferences), however it is first come, first served. Please sign up early to ensure your spot (and preferences, if any) in our leagues.

MONDAY NIGHT SPRING LEAGUE QUADS- Tulane Institute of Sports Medicine- March 17th

TUESDAY NIGHT SPRING LEAGUE CO-REC 6s- Tulane Beach Volleyball- March 18th

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPRING LEAGUE CO-REC 6s- Happy Dad Seltzers- March 19th

THURSDAY NIGHT SPRING LEAGUE CO-REC 6s- Michelob Ultra- March 20th

FRIDAY NIGHT SPRING LEAGUE CO-REC 6s- Legacy Construction- March 21st